Reach your peak performance with a coach who has walked in your shoes
From operator to coach
I’m passionate about building teams and companies; it took me a while to realize I could do even more of that as a coach. I spent most of the last 2 decades as a hands-on operator, executive, VC, board member, and investor in over 140 companies. When I discovered start-ups, I finally felt like I found ‘my place’: meritocratic at their core with deeply mission-aligned teams, hungry to succeed.
When I needed guidance, however, the people I could turn to were extremely busy. My bosses and mentors were world-class operators with very limited time. Talented external coaches provided insightful guidance, but lacked operational, entrepreneurship experience.
My mission is to bring together the best of these worlds to support startup founders and CEOs, in the trenches, during their most chaotic and transformative moments.

Jared Fliesler
Scale yourself, your team, and your company
Peak performance
Identify your zone of genius and what gives vs. takes away your energy, and then develop a plan to optimize where and how you spend your time.
Conviction making your toughest decisions
Have an unbiased third-party sounding board who has been in your shoes and can help you evaluate your decisions and avoid landmines.
Strong business outcomes
Build, motivate, and retain a rockstar team and board, and set a strong company culture that focuses on the right priorities for the business.
Unwavering support
Add a steadfast confidant to your corner, through all the rough patches, helping you to conquer whatever challenges arise.